Volunteers Needed
Could you spare a couple of hours a week to spend some time with someone who is lonely?
Regular befriending has been proven to make a huge difference to people’s wellbeing, confidence and motivation, and can also reduce the burden on other services.
You can offer your support either by telephone or in person, which can include home visiting and/or accompanied outings, eg a short walk, trip to the shops or cafe.
Our volunteers range in age from 18 to 88. We offer careful client to volunteer matching, flexible times, re-imbursement of travel costs, full guidance and support. Current volunteers say that helping others is enjoyable, fulfilling and benefits them too.
To find out more call Chris on 07932 828333 or CONTACT US.
Everyone needs other people, but not everyone has someone.
“The chances are we’ve all been affected by loneliness, either directly or through someone close to us. We can all do more to try and make a difference and make our country a less lonely place.”
– Minister for Loneliness, Baroness Diana Barran.
Find out more about all our volunteer roles and complete our volunteer form.