Digital Support

Role Description

Service overview

The Forum’s objective is to support people over 50 in the Telford & Wrekin area, to learn and build digital skills.

Main Duties

  1. Offering support face to face, either at our regular drop in sessions or at the client’s home. (Current need is for support at client’s home only or occasional cover at the drop in sessions.)
  2. Support will range from teaching beginners, helping people learn more and gain confidence, problem solving with devices, (desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets) programs, broadband connection etc


For drop in sessions:

  1. Attending the sessions when the regular volunteer/s are unavailable, and supporting clients as above.
  2. Keeping records of attendees.

For home support:

  1. Taking on one or more clients depending on the maximum number you are comfortable taking on and as agreed with the Forum Co-ordinator.
  2. Keeping your own record of all visits, dates, times, and any specific relevant information to help with monitoring and evaluating the scheme.

For both:

  1. Reading and understanding the guidelines issued before starting and carrying out your duties in accordance with the guidelines and agreed purpose of the scheme.
  2. Being mindful of your own and your clients’ safety and confidentiality and following procedures.
  3. Reporting any changes to arrangements and concerns or problems that need further referrals or investigation, to the Forum staff.
  4. Maintaining communication with Forum staff.

Key Skills:

  1. Good listening and communication skills.
  2. Understanding of the needs of older people in the community in relation to digital skills.
  3. Patience and sensitivity, and the ability to gear support to the client’s pace and wishes.
  4. Ability to follow guidelines and procedures.
  5. Reliability to keep to agreed times but flexibility when needed.

Time Commitment

Home visits are generally around an hour.

Drop in sessions last 2 hours.


Travel expenses are payable for getting to and from drop in sessions, and to and from the client’s home.


Volunteers will meet with the Forum Co-ordinator and be given a copy of the Role Guidelines.

For home visits the Forum will carry out an enhanced DBS check (Disclosure & Barring Service, payable by the Forum. The Forum may accept a recent enhance DBS check obtained through another organisation for a similar role.

If you’d like to find out more, please complete the form below and we’ll get back to you soon.

How we handle your data.